You say that you're ugly-

You say that you're ugly-
But have you ever seen yourself in a moment of happiness,
Instead of a dissatisfied one in front of a mirror?
Would you glare at someone
The same way you glare at your reflection?
Have you ever seen yourself laugh,
Not through the angle of a friend's camera,
But from the same spacious, pixel-free world
You draw your breaths from?

You say that you're ugly,
And you claim proof of that from pictures-
But have you considered
That the pixels on the screen
Don't compare to the living, breathing, moving life that you are?

If you hate yourself you will always see
A hateful person in the mirror-
But have you ever looked lovingly into your own eyes,
Have you ever noticed the way your face brightens when you smile,
Have you ever truly looked at yourself
The way the world does?

You see potential beauty as a standalone image,
But the world you live in isn't still-
It moves, and grows, and breathes like you-
Your face,
Your body,
Your edges and curves,
Always changing, never still. 

You see the marks on your skin as blemishes-
I see them as stars;
You see your body as a thing to change,
To live by a number on a scale 
Instead of by what's best for you,
Though you yourself don't judge other people's beauty
On their weight.
You see yourself out of context,
You focus in on the parts of you you don't like
And assume other people feel the same.

You say that you're ugly-
But have you ever looked at yourself
The way I look at you?

Rubber Soul


YWP Alumni

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