Your fault

I’m not old enough to vote

I'm not old enough to drive

I’m not old enough to drink

I’m not even old enough to go to the bathroom without asking permission??

But I am old enough to give birth?

Not old enough to make my own decisions but if I get pregnant it’s my own damn fault?

You claim you’re “pro-life” but would rather go to jail than have basic gun control.

“It’s about the children” but turn a blind eye when we’re getting shot in a place we’re supposed to be safe

You want to “protect the kids” but if a six year old gets raped you ask what she was wearing?? She’s six fucking years old. It is not. Her. Fault. 

It’s your fault for only “protecting the children” until they start breathing. And then stop breathing when you let them get shot.

It’s your fault for letting 18 year olds legally buy guns and then silently watch them on the news slaughtering elementary schoolers

It’s your fault for being “pro-life” but only before life actually starts

And all the deaths of women who you wouldn’t let get abortions, who died after complications from birth or from trying on their own, are and will be your fault.

Your fault that you let right wing society’s opinion come before the people you’re supposed to be representing’s health.

This. Is. All. Your. Fault.



Sophie Dophie


16 years old

More by Sophie Dophie

  • Nice guys

    Not all nice guys are nice. Or was it a nice guy who assaulted and harassed 14, 13, and 12 year old girls? Was it a nice guy who knowingly passed on a std? Was it a nice guy who drugged a girl at a bar?

  • Our America

    People say this is not their America. I think the problem is that it is. This is what millions of Americans want. This is our America whether we like it or not. Our America elected a rapist into office.