Down the Rabbit Hole

You knocked on my door
Grasped my hand in yours
I watched your eyes come closer to mine
And I led myself to your rabbit hole
You promised me
Promised that it was full of wonders
My mistake was in believing you

I fell hard
Fell down your rabbit hole
Into this brand new world
Designed for you
And me
I let myself believe the illusions

But I wanted more
More than this rabbit hole
You knocked on my door
We had lunch
And foot wrestled
We climbed my tree
You held me close
We watched the clouds
You held me close
I told you my secrets
You held me close
But I wanted more

And you
You wanted some doting girl
Someone at your beck and call
And you shattered the illusion
To reveal a missing door
Rotting lunch
Falling tree
Puffs of smoke in the sky
And you
You who I still cannot understand

I climbed my way out
Ripped at the wet dirt
Grasped the roots with my teeth
Sharpened my fingernails into claws
And made it to the sun
To reality
And I was fine
And talking to someone new

But you asked about me
And my sister said you were interested in me
And I am being dragged back down the rabbit hole
Because I remember when you knocked on my door
When your eyes came closer to mine
I remember how special you made me feel
And I am fighting now
Because you are the person
I am defenseless against
When I swore to myself
That I would never

And I hate this power you own
This piece of me
That you stole
That I gave you

So long
It took so long to drag myself out
So let me go

So let me go
Release your grasp
Find someone new




YWP Alumni

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