the taste of tears

the taste of honey sits
sweet on her tongue before
turning bitter.

she chews on her tongue, the metallic
taste of blood filling her
mouth until she gags.

her dry lips curl as
she looks at herself in the mirror
with disgust.

bruised and battered, her face
is a story that no one
will ever hear about.

her arms are covered in scars
of hate and hurt and tears,
staining her innocence until it
is worn out and torn apart.

she smiles, skin smeared
with the blood and tears from
a thousand generations of pain. 

her eyes have dark, heavy rings
around them, carrying her exhaustion
as she stumbles around, struggling
to stand.

her lungs are bruised and sore
from breathing too hard when she
remembers that she wants 
to be alive.

stay away from her, they say,
stay away from her thoughts and 
her blood and her tears.




15 years old

More by ivyparks

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  • Dependency

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