you are forever

you are the spring
that comes after what
feels like the longest

you are the daisies
bowing down in the wind,
the smell of fresh cut
flowers carried by the
wind, the aroma staying in
your braided blond hair.

you are the water, springing
from the earth, the cool feelng
on my legs as i slipped 
into the deep pond.

you are the summer breeze,
blowing through my damp
curls as i swam through the
clear water over to you.

you are the whispers that
are carried through the tree's as
we sat in the mossy clearing, our
laughs echoing around the forest.

you are the rush i feel
when i got on my bike and
pedaled after you, trying to catch
up as you shouted ahead of me.

you are the shivers i get
when your cold fingers brushed
my neck as you gathered
my hair, braiding in wildflowers.

you are the lyrics of
the song that we would
sing every day for weeks when
no one was listening.

you are the tears on my cheeks
when i would break, clinging
to your slender frame as i
told you everything i needed to.

you are the cool grass tickling
my feet as we ran down to the meadow,
hand full of dandelions to
set afloat in the pond.

you are the cramp in my
stomach from when we laughed
too hard, my hand in yours as
i giggled.

you are the sinking feeling
i get when i think about you.

you are the look i give
people when they say your name as
i remember your smile.

you are a part of everything
i do, everywhere i go.

every memory is tied to your
laugh, your smile, your eyes.

you are forever. 



15 years old

More by ivyparks

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