Germs That Punch

I didn't realize that the car rides with too loud music

That trickled out of the gaps of the windows

Would become so few and far between

I didn't realize that the last minute overnighters

That made parents grind their teeth and sigh in exasperation, exhaust, and maybe eagerness for a night alone

Would also dwindle out

I didn't realize that at school

People's personalities slowly became withdrawn like a turtle in its shell

The little germs that ran marathons around the world to punch us in the face and tell us that we weren't appreciating life enough

So many things 

                        I just






18 years old

More by izzylaramee

  • Name Poem


    My name being written on my birth certificate 

    Was one of the most joyous things my mom did.


    It lead to red cheeks and

    One too many tears.

    As a child,
  • Language poem

    My mom taught me
    To speak
    The language of 
    My family.
    My twin cousins whose
    Pink glasses tumble down their
    Noses like an Arctic avalanche.
    My aunt and uncle
    Whose airy bread