The Best Hour

The best hour of any day is when our tummies are still full 
from eating those leftovers for lunch, but 
it’s closer in time to dinner, when the clouds have parted ways
and all that’s left is the constant, reassuring buzzing of the locusts
who I believe love to love (though that’s another poem), and

the temperature always peaks at this time so 
instead of humidity there is a sort of raw, 
harsh heat that the sun beams down below onto our heads 

and unless we’re too tired to hike up that tall hill 
(it is a true barrier to the rest of the world)
we know we will soon find ourselves reclining on the theater porch, relaxing in those 
old Adirondack chairs (which fit us so well) 
and our fingers methodically weave bracelets–
Made it for you.
So quick. 



19 years old

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