Is it Wednesday yet?

Trees whirled past as the car
Flew swiftly past.

The trees were a blur
Of green
And golden. 

I asked my mom when was Inauguration Day. 
What was
Inauguration Day?

The media was
Swarmed with news about what 
Would happen Wednesday. 

And so,
I searched
Inauguration Day on the

About 268 million
Results after 0.68

Is it Wednesday yet?
Is it Wednesday yet?
Is it Wednesday yet?

Riots might
Happen and there will be
Violence. Joe Biden will 
Move into office
On the
Inauguration Day. 

Republicans were fighting
Against the 

People dying because
Of riots. 

Is it Wednesday yet?
Is it Wednesday yet?
Is it Wednesday yet?

Washington D.C.
Was a fortress

And everywhere you went
Every corner you 
Turned, we seemed scared. 

We were scared.

For the first time,
I was beginning to 
Understand what life
Was all about. 



16 years old

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