10:51 pm - Incoming Call:

there are so many stars tonight 
dancing across the night sky 
falling in love with the fireflies 
in the field below 

on nights I can't sleep 
I lie on the wrong end of my bed 
and listen to your muffled breathing 
and say things too soft for you to hear 

telling your closed eyes 
how the sun looks from under my hair 
and the way your laugh 
hit me in the bottom of the stomach 

hoping if I say 
I love you 
it will slip into your dreams 
like sand through my finger tips 

cold air pours in 
through the ripped screen 
in my window 

and waltzes lazily 
over my skin 
begging my eyelids to become heavy 

and I count 
trying to time my heartbeat 
to yours 

remembering the dragons 
that have taken nest
in my kitchen sink

it's too early 
to fall asleep 
when there is so much 
to consider 



YWP Alumni

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