Questions for the Floaters

How do you miss what you have lost?

climbing the forest of your breath
The veins of air
falling from the highest branches and
snapping the vertebrates of soul
and spew the pieces about
and let them sink into the soil
and let them flower there
and let the birds pick out the marrow
and watch the flowers wilt
and wilt with them

How do you miss what you have gained?

To miss the life you’re living is the worst kind of heartache
and that is all 

Where do you wish you had lingered?

When she ascended from the sky and rested
upon the peaks of mountains
a black smudge against a porcelain sky
the birds fell silent and the sun set
It sounded like
the cracking of clay 
the shattering of glass
and that is fear
and it’s a lovely place to be

lily veronica


YWP Alumni

More by lily veronica

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