COVID19 An Identity Shifter

Your name, COVID19
Creates storm clouds
Send tornados tearing around my brain
Wrenching my collected thoughts apart
Placing ideas together 
That make little sense
Throwing away the little progress I’ve made
In figuring you out

COVID19 why are you doing this to me?
You are a terrible, unforgivable pandemic
Yet my perspective keeps changing
With every article I read
Every news story I hear
All the different points of view
That flood the streets
Soon I start to forget
What I belived in the first place

People ask,
What do I think?
You destroy lives,
However within this storm there is light
Good is mixed with the bad
Suffering with thriving?
Making me happy yet sad
Why make this so difficult?
Change your persona every time I blink
Confusing my poor brain
Please, tell me what you are
Who you are
Besides a word consisting of four letters
And two numbers
Besides another chapter in my book of life.
Are you bad or good?
Strong or weak?
Destroyer or creator?
You wear many, many masks
Have I ever seen your true identity?
Or is it still to come?

Are you everything 
And yet nothing?




17 years old

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