
Your frigid fragile fingers
have been torn from my grasp.
I knew this had to happen
but without you I am left incomplete.
Jokes have lost their humor.
Memories have clouded over.
What changed?
Will you ever tell me the truth?
Use me as your shield,
I will protect you.


I’m too late.
I’m sorry.

Innocence will forever be a stranger 
unknown, fearful, and in your case...


Its been but hours since these new accommodations,
yet it’s been months since I understood.

I miss my best friend.
The one who trusts me.
The strong willed girl who let nothing hold her down.

I will wait, for you to feel better.
No distance can change our friendship.
Go, heal. 
Come back only when the time is right.

I know your scared,
so am I 
but I believe in you.


Lots of love,
I miss you already....




17 years old

More by Whitney

  • Awaiting An Invitation

    Tree limbs dance in
    the breeze of baited breath,
    roots threaten to break ground zero.
    too much
    too little
    only the trees understand 

    glass stregthens
    mirrors melt
    clouds converge and darkness reigns
  • By Whitney


    I am guilty

    The bars which restrain me
    are but my own fault

    I am guilty

    The lifeless walls
    frozen, unfeeling
    yield no give as I fight to break free

    My crimes:
    To want,
    the stars 
  • By Whitney

    Only A Memory

    The wind
    brushes my cheek, with a kiss. 
    Neck craned, my eyes
    skim the sky in bliss

    The scene before me,
    a canvas to interpret,
    I stare, deep within the soul of each star
    this game I refuse to forfeit.