Got Me

I am as controlled
as two scoops of ice cream
teetering on top of 
their small cone on
a hot summer night
when I am around you.

I am the quick melting of
the ice cream- 
going, going, gone-
when I see those eyes
and hear those slick-like-honey
words as they tumble out
of your mouth.

Love Potion No. 9,
you've got me in
your hand that
reaches out to hold
mine, as natural as the
sun rising.

You are all sugar,
like maple syrup,
coating everything
in your goey-sweet love
that kept me up
tonight and will
leave me with dreams,
dreams that won't
satisfy until you
relent and agree
that I got you,
and you got me,
got me good.




19 years old

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