The Sun

The sun isn't just a ball of fire
It brings warmth on dark days
Although, It is certainly is something to admire
It will definitely attract your gaze
Don't look too long unless you wish to be blind
The sun is something to be thankful for
break the sun and your eyes bind

The sun is a sight you have never seen before.



YWP Alumni

More by Tony

  • Hallucination

    You know how loves beautiful

    Till it starts to hurt

    Filling you up causing

    Your stomach to churn 

    Tears rolling down your face 

    You wanna yell loud 

    Those feelings you wanna erase are an

  • All the love

    As we look over the ocean 

    My mind drifts to you 

    Filling me with  emotion

    We are so thankful for you 
    Who you are
    What you mean 
    And all the love 

    You showed me 
  • Sorrow

    If you've  lost your way 
    Find a caring place to stay
    Not one that fills you with sorrow
    For a new day starts tomorrow
    Try your best to not blue
    I know that sorrow  is not new