Watered Down.

Pushing you away
is easier than breathing you in
I don’t risk choking on feelings
or letting you take any of my air
the harder I push
the farther you fall
like a game of connect four
eventually all the chips cascade
even the winners.
We both lose
whether I let you in or not
love is not simple
delicately put it’s doomed
people don’t find each other in passion
it’s rare
even when it happens
passion is a bubble
too unpredictable to count on
it could grow or pop instantly.
I want to believe that in some universe
loyalty, honesty, and chemistry
could all coincide
to construct one beautiful masterpiece
but I don't imagine I’ll ever convince myself of that.
By keeping you away
I get to love you in moments
rather than in permanence
hearts can’t be broken
feelings can’t be acknowledged deeply
you and I remain unharmed and happy enough
at the end of the day
content is all we can hope to feel
anything more would be like asking a fish
to breathe above ground
they’ll want to and they’ll die trying to do it
but end up with a cold dead heart
like mine.



YWP Alumni

More by JuliaR

  • 12:36 am

    It’s 12:36 am.

    I’m sitting up again.
    I can hear cars 
    filled with lonely people
    pass slowly outside my window. 
    The light from the fire detector 
    flashes every thirty seconds.
    I like to sit and watch it
  • Headache

    The pressure in my head
    keeps reminding me you’re dead.
    The build up pushing my skull
    my eyes bulging
    from the ripping away of memories.
    Everything is spinning on a dull carousel
    I’m the broken seat belt
  • fall before you think

    lately ive become impulsive
    thats new for me.
    ive never been the risk taker
    the rule breaker the girl who could just do
    without thinking
    ive been straight, tight, focused, determined