wasted energy, time, and tears

i pour my heart out to you
into a bowl
a sad, soupy attempt at affection

my bowl of rich, veiny, organ is unappealing to you
your nose upturns
its vulgar, vile, absolutely disgusting
you don't want my insides
why would anyone want my insides

pancakes and toast
buttery, golden perfection
like butterfly wings and sandalwood
you shovel tasteless beauty into your mouth
filling your stomach with the same warmth
that lies in my bowl

the full bowl sits on the counter
rotting, bubbling, the way a dead whale
becomes adipose

your plate, once piled high with protein and grain
sits emtpy next to my bowl
it's a beautiful contrast
the full and the barren
the forest and the desert
the ocean and the sky
your stomach and your brain
my heart and my heart
before, after


lily veronica


YWP Alumni

More by lily veronica

  • close your eyes and look

    cold water that washes my skin with kisses
    the way my lungs beg for air, and yet i refuse.

    sitting on slightly Damp Grass at the very top of a hill. 
    it was warm and it was dark and the sun set on the mountains like a king 
  • Another Person

    They said it would get easier

    A prickle, a soundless wind

    says otherwise

    Fingers, individually cold

    warm when wrapped ‘round my wrist

    Clouds of locusts that

    squeeze out every 
