Missed Connections

CHARACTERS: ROGER LOVE is young, beautiful and stylish, his glamourous attire obviously making him feel out of place in his surroundings.    BIANCA NILSSON is a woman in her thirties, sophisticated and stern.
    DONOVAN NILSSON is a man in his twenties, relaxed personality. SETTING: Bench in front of a hotelAT RISE: Scene opens with Roger sitting on a bench in the center of the stage. BIANCA walks in a stiff, severe manner refusing to look at DONOVAN , who slouches along behind her. ROGER glances at them, then quickly looks back down at his shoes.
BIANCA:(Casting an annoyed look at DONOVAN) 
And I guess I’m going to have to pay for the room, too. As if it wasn’t enough to drive four hours at eight o’clock at night to get you out of jail.
DONOVAN:Bianca, I’m sorry! How many more ways can I say it?
BIANCA:You can say it to your niece when I have to call and tell her Mom won’t be home until tomorrow. (This has struck a nerve, DONOVAN drops her gaze and looks ashamed.) Don, I don’t understand why you can’t just stay out of trouble. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to drop everything to come get you.
DONOVAN:And it means so much to me that you come. (BIANCA gives him a cold look and begins to walk offstage. DONOVAN starts after her.)

(BIANCA holds up a hand, DONOVAN falls silent.)

BAINCA:Don't. Just- don't. I need a minute.(BIANCA exits. DONOVAN stands there, dejectedly hanging his head. After a moment, he looks around, spotting ROGER sitting on the bench, and eyes him with mild interest.)

(Slightly awkwardly sidling up to the bench) Hey. ROGER:(Looking up at DONOVAN and smiling shyly.) Hey.
DONOVAN:Mind if I sit here?
ROGER:(Quickly moves over, making room.) Not at all, be my guest. 
DONOVAN:(Sitting down.) Thanks. (A slightly awkward pause. DONOVAN holds out his hand.) I’m Donovan.
ROGER:(Shaking his hand.) Roger Love, at your service.
DONOVAN:Are you British, Roger Love?
ROGER:(Laughing slightly.) Yeah. I guess my Cockney accent gives me away.
DONOVAN:Well, what’s an Englishman like yourself doing in the States?
ROGER:Just passing through, really. Just another stop on the journey.
DONOVAN:Any destination in particular?
ROGER:No, I’m just a wanderer. (Laughs slightly.) Usually I just put my finger on a map and see where I end up.
DONOVAN:(Looks at their surroundings.) Some place to end up.
ROGER:Admittedly, I’ve done better. (He hesitates.) Actually, it reminds me of where I grew up.
DONOVAN:(Is at a loss.) Oh. (He pauses awkwardly.) Sounds interesting.
ROGER:(Laughing drily.) That’s one way to put it, I suppose.
DONOVAN:(Embarrassed.) Sorry…
ROGER:It’s alright. No need to apologize. (He looks slightly nostalgic.) Actually, I haven’t thought about where I grew up in a long time.
DONOVAN:Well, I’d be happy to hear about it if you don’t mind telling.
ROGER:Well, I grew up in London with my mum. Never knew my dad, he left when I was still a baby.
DONOVAN:I’m sorry.
ROGER:(Shrugging.) Mum took care of me. We never had a lot of money, she had trouble holding onto a job due to her… uh… (Clears his throat awkwardly.) …health concerns. She took to saving away whatever money she could spare so I could go to college.
DONOVAN:Is that what you’re in America for? College?
ROGER:No. When I was sixteen I graduated school with a scholarship in graphic design, but the idea never suited me. I wanted to travel, see the world, find my own path instead of taking the one that had been laid out for me.
DONOVAN:And how’s that turned out so far?
ROGER:Not bad, you know! When I first set out, I didn’t have much money, and as soon as I ran out I was stuck in Dublin. But I met this fashion designer there, and she sort of took me under her wing- taught me about the business and gave me some money for my trip. Since then, I’ve had a pretty good system going -- my designs get people’s attention, I go to their parties and chat them up a bit. Next thing I know, they’re offering to help fund my trip and setting me up with their posh friends who live in the next city.
DONOVAN:Well, that explains the jacket.
ROGER:(Flaunting his fur coat and striking a “sophisticated” pose.) I’ll have you know I’m a regular member of high-class society, my darling!
(They laugh.)
DONOVAN:Is it just you, traveling around on your own? No girlfriend? (He pauses.) Boyfriend?
ROGER:No, it’s just me. (He looks at DONOVAN, a slow smile creeping over his face.) Why do you ask?
DONOVAN:(Grinning and avoiding ROGER’s eyes.) Just wondering. (There is a pause.) What’s your mom think of all this?
ROGER:(Sighing and taking on a melancholy expression.) To be honest … I haven’t spoken to her since I left London. My mum … she was very young when she had me. She had a lot of trouble with mental health, and she struggled so hard for everything. She always said I took everything for granted. When she learned I was passing up college to travel around the world, she told me I was being ungrateful, that I expected the world to be handed to me on a silver tray. We had a row, and I left that night.
DONOVAN:I’m sorry. (He puts his hand on ROGER’s. There is a short silence.) Are you in touch with any of your family?
ROGER:None of them want anything to do with me. The only one whose tried to make contact with me since is my cousin Danesh.
DONOVAN:(Softly.) That's all, huh?
ROGER:(After a pause) He was like a brother to me when we were growing up. When I told him I was leaving, he told me I was making a mistake. We didn't speak for over a year. All of a sudden, he's leaving me all these messages. (Growing more emotional) He says he needs to tell me something. Wants me to come home. He threatened to come to America and find me if I didn't answer him.
DONOVAN:He must love you a lot.
ROGER: (Softly.) I hope so. (There is a pause, and ROGER attempts a smile.) I don't know why I'm telling you all this.
DONOVAN:(Laughing slightly.) I've honestly got no idea either.
ROGER:Enough about me, now. What's your story, Donovan?
DONOVAN:(Slightly embarrassed.) Well, I… um… I’m in and out of jail a lot. 
ROGER:(ROGER lets out a laugh, then catches himself.) Sorry. What for, if you don’t mind me asking?
DONOVAN:Nothing, like, murdery or anything. Mostly just vandalism. Once in a while I might pocket a pack of cigarettes. 
ROGER:(ROGER looks at him in amusement.) Stealing packs of cigarettes, really?
DONOVAN:Hey, do you have any idea how expensive those things are?
ROGER:The cheapest brand is quitting, mate.
DONOVAN:(Laughing.) I doubt my sister would take such a humorous view of the situation.
ROGER:Is that the woman you were with before? Your sister?
DONOVAN:(Sighing.) Yeah, that’s Bianca.
ROGER:And what’s she like?
DONOVAN:Oh, you know… career, marriage, kids… just about fed up with picking me up from jail. She had to drive four hours to come get me this time.
ROGER:Now that's a good sister.
DONOVAN: (Agitated) I don't get why she feels obligated to come rescue me every time. It's not easy for her, she hates it, I don't know why she keeps doing it.
ROGER:She's doing it because she loves you, mate.
DONOVAN:She has every right in the world to refuse to come. What if- (He breaks off, this next thought obviously upsets him.) What if she hates me for it? What if she comes just because she feels like she needs to?
ROGER:You're her brother. When she comes to help you, whatever her other reasons might be, above all else it's because she loves you. It doesn't matter if she dissaproves, or how angry or frustrated she is. She's you're family.
DONOVAN:Why can't I pull myself together for her?
ROGER:Try traveling. It really puts things into perspective. (There is a pause.) Promise me you'll talk to her.
DONOVAN:I will. Promise me you'll talk to Danesh. Go home and see him.
ROGER:I will. (He pauses.) I have an awful feeling that smoething's happened to my mother.
DONOVAN:(Putting an arm around ROGER's shoulder.) It's going to be okay. (ROGER leans his head on DONOVAN's. They sit there for a moment, taking comfort in the other's presence.)
ROGER:(Looking offstage as if he sees something.) It looks like my ride’s here. Thank you so much for... everything..
DONOVAN:Hold on. (Checks his pockets, to no avail.) Do you have a pen? And something to write on? (ROGER pulls out a pen and what looks like a business card. DONOVAN writes on the back and hands it to ROGER.) Here’s my number. Let me know when you get tired of traveling alone.
ROGER:(Smiling, happily surprised.) You couldn’t come right now, could you? I’d be happy to have you along.
DONOVAN:(Shaking his head.) Sorry. First I need to clear things up with Bianca.
ROGER:(Slightly disappointed, but understanding.) Alright. I suppose I can wait. (He leans down and kisses DONOVAN’s cheek.) Stay out of trouble, you hear?
DONOVAN:(Grinning.) I’ll try. Goodbye for now, Roger Love. ROGER raises his hand in farewell. He walks off stage. DONOVAN sinks into his own thoughts, still smiling slightly. The light fades.

My Perpetual Wednesday


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