The perfect day with the perfect friend

    I wake up with the sun shining on my face. I looked out my window to see the snow from the night before. I quickly jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs. My mother was in the kitchen making waffles, my favorite! After breakfast, I put on my coat and scarf and ran down the road to my friend Emma’s house. I knocked on her door twice and she opened it with her coat and scarf already on. We looked at each other giggling like little kids and ran down the road to the ice rink. We got out skates on and spent the entire morning ice skating. It was something we had been doing since we were five years old. After that, we went back to her house for lunch. Her mother made up chicken pot pie, which as Emma’s favorite food. 

After lunch, we went back to my house and built snowmen for each person in both of our families. By the time we had finished, the sky had darkened and we fell back lying on the snow exhausted. After a few minutes, the snow had started to gently fall and we tried to catch the little flakes with our tongues. When the sky had fully darkened and the only light was from the house we walked inside and took off all of our things and put them into the dryer. We changed into dry clothes and watched a movie while my mom made dinner. After dinner, Emma called her mom asking to stay the night. We finished watching the movie or tried to but before it was even over we had both fallen asleep. I fell asleep thinking of how perfect the day had been and wishing every day could be just like it. 



19 years old

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