The house no one lives in

I walked down the long and curvy road. I knew that I should now be out this late but I stayed anyway to look at the beautiful view of the trees. There was never enough time to look at the red, yellow, and orange leaves. It was like they were there one day and then the next they were gone. I pushed the memory of today out of my mind and focused on getting home before it got much later. There was only one house on the road and it was abandoned or so everyone thought. Last year a couple of kids from older grade decided to see what was inside the house and they never came back. Since then no one has ever been back on this road. I only went on it because of all of the roads in town it had the best view. I looked up ahead and saw that the house was only a few feet away. I decided to walk past it fairly quickly, still afraid of what had happened to the other kids that had broken in. I was only a few feet from the door when it suddenly swung open almost smacking me in the face. I looked inside the house, my heart pounding. No one seemed to be there. I walked into the house still looking to see if anyone was there. 

    Hmmmm. How odd. I thought to myself. I walked another step forward and suddenly I fell through the floor and was falling into darkness.




19 years old

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