You Two

You make it seem easy.
You're so cocky and you flip your hair so "perfectly"
It's annoying.
This is not specifically to you,
It's to all the people who are like this.
You laugh at others who make a mistake,
Or aren't as "perfect" as you.
It makes me mad.
I wish you knew what you made me feel.

You attract people because you're like a white shadow to a dark person
And I feel sorry for you.
I know people talk about you behind your back
And I do too.
I feel like people don't understand you.
You're like this puzzle scattered on the floor that no one can fit together.
I don't know who you want to be with or who you don't want to be with.
I feel like you're inside a foggy house and we're all tapping at the window
And he's breaking in the door.
I don't even know if you care. 

You two.
I'll never understand you.
I can't keep track of whether you're friends or not.
I wish you could just remember how you were glued together when you were seven. 
You were best friends.
Are you anymore?




15 years old

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