
And with that
The world exploded in front of you
And you tried to catch the pieces in your mouth
But found humanity was in flames
Burning what it landed on.
You shielded your eyes 
But found that your hands were made of paper
And you slowly took in the animals behind you
As you yourself became human.
"Take me back
Take me back to when I was not of beast
But of animal.
I shall walk on four legs
Not as a bow or cower
But as something not man;
Who is beast,
Not I. 
Take me back."

And the world rained back at you 
As she smiled,
Her smile not quite there
And yet seen to those looking.
"If beast is man,
Then are they destroying themselves?
Are they looking at animals
As if
they were the beast man is becoming? 
And you nod, the ground shaking with the movement,
And the Earth looks at you once,
Then closes her eyes slowly,
"I see." 

Do you?  

Rubber Soul


YWP Alumni

More by Rubber Soul

  • mundane

    for this i would pour my time out from my pencil til i was gone
    short of age
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  • keeper

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