Ever Changing Orange

I don’t like the color orange anymore
I was water
For my face was flooded
My eyes were filled with the horizon
And orange was the sky
So soft and sweet

I was a fire place
Casting a glow on my friends face
We danced with the flames
And orange was the warmth of the room
The heat of my hand in hers

I don’t like the color orange anymore
Orange is the sun
That comes and goes in circles
To today and tomorrow again
I beg the sun not to set
But it is destined to stay the same 

And orange is autumn 
When I’ve grown used to the green of the trees
The green leaves that caught in her hair before she fell
I picked one out and put it in my pocket
Now even her leaf has turned orange
And the ground crunches beneath my feet

Now I am orange
Standing stagnant in the rain
My sock is soaked
Leaving my soul soggy

I am the ever changing orange



YWP Alumni

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