The Nightmare

You open your eyes to see a strange world. A pink sky with wispy clouds, the sun not visible. You are on a small, rubber blue podium like that of a bouncy house. On one side of the podium, a slide slopes down. Over the other sides of the podium, there is nothing except a whisper of water. Dropping from that height would surely kill you if you jumped or fell off. There isn't really much else for you to do but go down the slide. So that's what you do. The slide is slippery and wet, so you speed down it. Your hair blows behind you, and it's a struggle to keep your eyes open. After a few seconds of sliding, you see ocean below. It isn't a pure, blue and green, breathtaking ocean though. This ocean is dark and malicious and fear crawls up your neck as you scream. You plunge deep into the water, eyes closed in fear. When you open your eyes the ocean is dark green, water cold and biting. You attempt to scream for help, but that was a bad idea because you start coughing water. You sink deep into the ocean, water getting darker and darker until you hit the bottom. As soon as you hit the floor, it collapses under you. You land into a room that is pure darkness. Your eyes open wide, but all you can see is more darkness. You hear a deafening crash as all the water drains into the dark room in which you stand. You cough out water, and-was that a fish? You can't see anything, only hear voices. Ghostly, whispering voices calling your name. Who's there? You think. To your surprise you hear a response. Oh, nobody, say the ghostly voices in unison. You cover your ears as the voices start singing a song in an unknown language. Stop! You scream in your head. But the voices do not listen. Why are you doing this to me!? The ghostly voices don't answer though. They just keep singing. You fall to your knees, as the voices become deafening. You open your eyes, distraught. Then you see light. At first it's small, like a speck of glowing dust. It's noticeable in the complete darkness though. You rub your eyes, wondering if you're going mad. But it's there. You walk toward it, reaching for it. When you get only a few feet away from it, it starts to grow. It grows to a ping-pong ball's size, and swirls around you, shining your face in light. It then grows, grows and grows, until it is the size of a grand doorway. There is even a handle just low enough for you to reach. There isn't anything for you to do but go in. As you reach up and grasp the handle to the door the ghostly voices screech in agony. You step into the doorway, leaving the dark world behind. You open your eyes to find yourself in your bedroom, alarm clock beeping  frantically. Even though you try to tell yourself that it was all a nightmare, you know in your heart that it was all real.



13 years old

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