
They say, “Life is a path that’s your choice” 
But it takes so much courage to actually speak up for that.. 
Each and every mistake that I see when I look at my mom and my dad.. each scar made raw that looks like it’s healed- but hasn’t..
Even with time..
I can see in their eyes what they did to get here..
Will it be the same for me?
Each and every scar they have be in the same placement as mine? 
Will each aspect of life be the same as theirs was? 
Will it all just be a repeat of them? 
The answer is, no.
I know for a fact that I; myself have done a lot to get here as well.. 
But that does not mean that I am the same as they once were.. 
I have my own emotions and feelings that I feel that have nothing to do with their life…
Still, though I ponder, “why did it all come to this?”
I spend days searching for an answer at times..
When truly, I haven’t seen what is right in front of me.
I’ve seen myself where I’ve come,
Even if the backstory is discouraging..
I see the tears shed from all around me.
I know that I am myself.
Even if all of that came with mistakes and time..
I can see the neat puzzle pieces that have finally made the picture become clear. 
But I still have a lot ahead of me..
So while I do think a lot about what has become,
it doesn’t mean it’s the ending of a story
It’s just an ending of a chapter..



14 years old

More by EvieC