Motherly love

All I remember about my beginning was dark, all around me pitch deep black.

Nothing  but flecks of color when I close my eyes to rest. 

Until the day I looked toward her light,
Surrounded by her followers protecting her in a fiery dance they seemed strong, steady, their patterns of movement flashing fast.

They never looked tired or worn from their flow.

Constantly frolicking cheering loud their feet seemly never touching the ground, spits of hysteria,
as they loved to dance around her,
you could see it feel it in ur soul,
it seemed that the longer I stared,
the stranger I felt, 
like my mind was slipping into a fog,
my senses become nulled.

I wanted to get out but the pull of her voice keeps me hooked. staring eyes wide. Her pure beauty dazzling in the dark sky.


And then empty again, frosty bite numbing shallowness.



18 years old

More by LilacsSweetAroma

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    The piercing air unwelcoming to tough bones, refreshing and soft in breathes.

    The only noise in the quiet wood
    birds humming a song.
    One leg after the other.
    Gazing at dead skies and the vast space,

  • Stage fright

    Standing still,
    Frozen from finger tip to finger,
    Trapped in place, 
    Fear clinging to my skin,
    Fear crawling up my spine,
    Fear wrapped around my neck,
    Do not move,
    A single twitch setting off the alarms,

  • Winter is coming

    Spicy fall wind 
    Warm sunlight touching the 
    frown lines on my skin
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    The sweetness of life and love  
    Colors of autumn come 
    Sunsets, pumpkins, leaves