


16 years old


  • Windows

    Every night

    Amongst the sea of sky

    We open our windows

    And look outside


    Breathe in the fresh air

    And look at the street

    Where the bright streetlights

    And the shadows meet


  • Threads

    Today I looked up

    And tilted my head

    What did I find?

    A single blue thread

    I reached up my hand

    And closed my fingers around

  • Conformity

    Lined up

    Like dominoes

    Prepared to fall

    Row after row

    A different number

    Each one holds

    fated to fall

    The future been told

    So down they go tumbling

    Following the tap
  • What is love?

    What is love?

    Is it something so sourly sweet

    Something where

    Warm and cold meet

    Is it knowing someones every move?

    Their favorite animal

    Their favorite food

  • Understanding Silence

    Not all silence is empty
    It’s filled with soft murmurs
    of the sounds
    that can’t be heard

    Silence is a gift
    given by daydreams
    taken by nightmares
    drenched in a cold yet welcoming touch