


19 years old


  • Yellow

    I lay between these yellow walls for hours on end
    watching the analog clock just above my calender
    watching the life that was once mine tick by without consequence 

    I wait for a phone call 
    but whos? 
  • unwanted

    when you asked me why

    i would do such a thing 

    i watched you cry

    over nothingness 

    that used to be 
    something but is now only Me

    i had no clever answer 

    or anecdote 
  • Dear DJT

    how did this happen?
    can you look me in the eyes 
    can you look ANYONE in the eyes 
    and say you are truly proud? 

    the answer 
    should be no 
    you should not be proud 
  • ashes

    she watches as the ashes fall 
    into the earth where they will lay 
    and slowly fade as all things do 
    engulfed by time and age 
    by hope 
    and loss