


19 years old


  • Alone

    I am a person that really dose enjoy being alone, 
    Sometimes alone can get lonely, 
    So I hold my own hand,
    And picture his hand in mine. 
  • Three AM

    It was three,
    A time of day,
    When only the sound of the faint breeze,
    Found its way through my open window,
    My eyes tired,
    My eyelids heavy,
    Ready for sleep,
    But no matter the length of time that I wait,
  • Online

    Today I spent my day looking at my computer.
    Tomorrow I will do the same.
    It is hard to see the end,
    to see
    a day when
    my eyes don't ache
    and I see the sun.
    Some days I don't even go outside,
  • Trees

    It is nice sometimes, 
    to know that you are connected,
    standing with both feet firmly planted on the ground,
    eyes closed,
    you stand above a connected network,
    above tales as old as time,
    you stand among the trees.