


17 years old


  • To Be Heard?

    What is the purpose of my voice?
    Is it allowed to stand stark in the light to be seen?
    What will that endless possiblilty that is bound to follow hold?
  • Sealed for delivery

    I step through the door
    into the dark of the night's chill.
    My feet crunch when they meet
    the soft gravel of the driveway.

    As I walk, my fingers trace
    the edges of the envelope I hold
    in my right hand.
  • Paper cranes

    We are all just human,
    affected by the changing world around us.
    Like a perfect square of origami paper
    that a child folds into a crane, 
    we are manipulated. 
    The folding pressing shaping,
  • One Year Ago Today

    One year ago.
    My 13th birthday.

    My mom and I drove 
    over to my grandparents
    house, we walked up the stairs.

    Inside, my grandmother,
    my mom and I, three generations,
    sat down at the kitchen table.
  • Doomed

    Intensity burns from 
    the pits of darkness
    that are her eyes.

    The way she pauses
    before letting her fingers slip
    off the ladder rung.

    Her aggression fades 
    into a softer tone
    as she crouches.
  • The Storm

    A car drives mutely across the snowdrifts 
    that blanket the dirt road, 
    as snow blazes down 
    against its windshield.

    Two girls sit side by side in the backseat,