A Sports Person

A Sports Person


16 years old


  • Celebrate Him

    It's easy to see what you can and can't do.
    But the tree.
    He's always there for you.
    Celebrate him like you would for any other,
    When it's cold outside give him a cover.
    In the summer time. Let him be free.
    Celebrate him.
  • Tree-t him right

    Bark and branches.
    Sun and wind.
    Leaves of gold, orange, and tin.
    Love and joy,
    Homes for the giving.
    The tree sees everything. 
    It's always a new beginning.
    Rooted into place.
  • Smile

    Smile. It's better than a frown.
    It lifts you up when your feeling down.
    Whenever you smile. Whenever you do.
    I'm sure to catch in just like the flu.
    I can hide it as much as I can.
    But it always makes it's way through.
  • It’s all you need

    You can't win them all so dribble the ball.
    Dont quit! Get up when you fall.
    Run and run and run and run.
    It's your time to shine. 
    Get blown away.
    I swear today is your day.
    Go where you must.
    But I promise you.

  • If You Can...

    If you can wonder, You can dream.
    If you can dream,You can fly.
    If you fly, You can soar.
    And if you soar,
    You don't have to worry anymore.
    If you don't have to worry, there's no reason to be afraid.
  • Shoot

    It are time to shine. We are the future, present, and past.  One choice can change everything.  My choice is to shoot.  Not just for the stars, but the ball.  Boom.