


19 years old


  • The Humble Beech

    I look outside my window and I see a collection of trees; no not trees, a collection of memories. I see everything I love and everything I ever want to be. Sure, they’re just trees to some, but to me, they are like family.
  • Trash to Some is Treasure to Many

    We’ve all heard the classic saying “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure,” but what makes something trash or treasure? What makes someone categorize it as trash? Is it because it's “useless” or maybe it’s because it's worn out?
  • Blue to You

    Blue. When someone says blue, most people think of a blue sky or blue water. When asked to zoom in and describe the color blue, it gets hard. Blue is like the sky or the water, some say it represents freedom, intuition, or a feeling of calm.
  • Live now

    Yes, everyone is so quick to point out that life is different now, what we used to do rather than what we do now. It seems that most things are past tense, things we miss, what we wish we could do, and what has changed.
  • Can You Read It?

    I usully get to scool around the first bel and find my seet in American Clas. I stay ther for an hour and a haf. Aftr that most of my clases hav to do with math.