


19 years old


  • Drowning

    I’m drowning 
    Sinking in my own emotions
    Waves crash over me again and again
    The waves of sadness, guilt, fear
    It’s too much
    I can’t breathe
    I’m supposed to be swimming 
    But what if it’s easier to sink
  • Strawberry Rain

    Strawberry fields pouring down from the sky
    The vibrant red fruit is falling into the grass
    Falling forever and ever
    Down to this small rock we call Earth
    Why are they falling? How is it happening?
    No one knows anything
  • The Dancer

    A spin and a twirl
    A kick to a split
    The dancer knows eyes are on her
    Watching her every move
    Scared to look away as if they might miss it
    Miss the ease with which her body moves

    She is strong and capable
  • Young Girl, My Hero

    Young girl, you are beautiful
    Your smile beams light and joy
    Your laugh is infectious
    If only more people were like you

    You are a princess
    Wearing gowns and tiaras
    Slipping on your little silver shoe that fits like a glove
  • Do I Belong?

    I wish I knew where I longed to go
    I wish the answer was a simple yes or no
    But it’s not, because
    I don’t know where I belong

    Do I belong to my childhood home?
    The only place I ever truly known
    Where I could be myself
  • Blue to Yellow

    These past few years I saw myself as blue
    My face is blue
    My eyes
    My clothes
    It seemed to make sense that I was blue

    I never had a lot to say
    And when I did it was more of a whisper than a shout
    I got used to being blue