


YWP Alumni


  • I Wish I Could Forget Today

    The silver grip of irony
    is around my pallid throat, and

    time spun a mismatched web and
    now it is caught in my cold dead chest.

    It was the end, I thought
    It was the beginning, I thought
    and I went and tied them together.
  • Can you hear a gunshot?

    How can I live with the waiting
    when all I want to do is scream?

    How can I look at you
    wondering if you still love me
    and if you're going to leave?

    My tongue is bleeding
    because I'm biting it
    to keep myself from
  • Shivering

    fire burning
    a lonely star
    cold nights
    and a chill.

    i wonder where you are and
    why my mouth tastes like soot.

    you don't call very much.
    you don't text me at all all hours.
    you don't want to kiss me anymore.
  • Silver Moon

    Silver moon
    wafting like a perfume droplet in the air,
    shine on my neck
    and place a soft kiss on the ivory space.

    Silver moon 
    let me cry to you
    wailing and calling 
    for you embrace me in light.