


YWP Alumni


  • What I Can't See

    The world looks odd without my glasses.
    I can see the details on my lunchbox
    and the tiniest specks on my computer,
    but I could not tell you
    what is written on the menu
    or what that poster on the wall says.
  • tired

    i'm tired
    it's an exhaustion that permeates my attempts to clear my mind
    wrings me out like an old washcloth
    leaves me feeling almost empty

    i'm falling asleep
    and every time I shut my eyes
    i lose a little bit more of myself
  • i am a universe

    if i am a universe
    then the stars are my personality
    the greatest forces
    in this whirling mass
    making me who i am
    so many aspects
    so varied, so scattered
    creating a shining light
    displayed for all to see
  • Descent

    They are stars, glowing from afar on a dimly lit stage
    Creating constellations, weaving a story of old
    Rolling across the sky to reach for another
    To hold each other
    To lift each other
    To become one with each other
  • Red

    Your cheap red nail polish leaves streaks on the paper we pass back and forth
    Two different styles of handwriting, fitting together perfectly
    A type of poetry, though I misspell every other word
    And your grammar is atrocious
  • Imagination

    My mind explodes with universes
    That are mine to create
    Mine to expand
    Mine to bring alive

    I see the leaves fall
    And see the fairies riding them
    Laughing as they twirl and glide
    Racing each other to the ground