


YWP Alumni


  • Dreams III

    (for e) 

    in two years we will be back in the bean bar-
    no just listen to me for a second-
    and you will be playing piano
    and singing with your voice 
    like a crystal vase and will have forgotten my name
  • Dreams II


    I had a dream where I was so sure
    that even though you are as stoic as a block of marble 
    and drive yourself to the doctor and the
    grocery store
    and you’ve told me to shut up
    & I’ve been afraid and also awed
  • Dreams I


    we all learned in 3rd grade
    why the sun sets at 4:30 in December
    and sometimes I dream about this
    or maybe not this specifically but anyway
    I wake up knowing the light on the 3rd 
  • You could never

    Could you pretend for a moment I am not 
    a godless heathen or
    words not precious enough to speak,
    your mother’s least-holy cross,
    the pull-out couch the babysitter
    fell asleep on

    blackjack played for secrets,
  • Late Night Pharmacy

    never liked this road in rain
    but it’s different when someone else is driving
    free to look out the window, see
    street lights poured in wells of pavement
    all the bulbs flicking
    out in the pharmacy.
    when the music on is my own