


YWP Alumni


  • My New Home

    My new home
    away from home
    for the next few months
    is a dorm
    on a campus
    in a state
    three and a half
    -four if you count traffic-
    hours away from home

    Daily self screening
    weekly testing
    always wearing a mask
  • I Don't Write

    I don't write fantasy because I can never put those ideas into words
    I don't write stories because I always blank on the endings
    I don't write during the day because I get too distracted
  • I Don't Understand

    I don't understand the world somedays
    It's like I just arrived from a different universe
    And I can't wrap my head around the human race
    Everyone is different but no one wants to admit it
  • Time Of Day

    I sit here 
    Close to noon
    Trying to write
    And realizing I can’t
    Then a new realization hits
    I write at night or early morning
    Almost all my poems
    Have been written while the rest of the world is asleep
  • The World Is Still Asleep

    The world is still asleep
    And for a moment, here alone, I feel alright
    The birds are singing
    And the clouds in the sky are a lovely shade of pink
    A deer watches me from a nearby field
    It stares as if our roles were reversed