


18 years old


  • Equals Fall

    Pumpkin spice 

    Orange yellow brown cardigans

    Folklore on the radio

    braided hair full of leaves

    yellow skirts

    fluffy scarves

    hot then cold 

    rainy then sunny

    warm toned rainbow

  • Shake off summer

    Every fall

    the trees shake off summer

    they stretch and yawn

    let go of memories of green



    children climbing

    skinned knees and scabs forming

    scars to show

    how many trees were climbed

  • She was herself

    she was wildflowers and star-filled skies

    she was screaming and laughing

    she was loving so hard you can't think anymore

    she was jumping off a cliff and the feel of water on your skin

    she was your wildest dreams

  • toxic

    you are the type of person 

    i don't want to like

    and yet

    every time i see your face

    my mind forgets

    every single thing

    i really hate about you