


18 years old


  • why world?

    i have so many why's to ask of the world

    why i must wear a bra
    when men walk around
    chests bare

    why i must scream
    to have my voice heard
    when men whisper
    heard by the whole room

    why we must kill everything

  • The time is now

    This is a poem I wrote during my time at The Governor's Institute of Vermont for The Youth Action and Global Issues week. I wrote this with Josslyn, Josie, Reese, Fiona, Sadie, and Ellie.

  • Favorite things

    One of my favorite things
    is watching the little ants
    hustle and bustle
    doing the things ants do
    One of my favorite things
    is hearing the birds sing
    dew still damp
    on every blade of grass
    every leaf
    every stump
  • Ocean

    Sand beneath my feet,
    waves pulling back,
    creating a ripple,
    when they hit,
    stinging my cuts,
    making me feel alive,
    my breathing matches,
    the soothing sounds,
    of the ocean.
    The sky turns purple,
  • Rock to rock

    Maybe I was just born
    with the skill,
    rock to rock,
    bare feet,
    to fit the curves,
    of the rocks,
    below my feet.
    hands searching,
    little edges,
    that happen to be,