


18 years old


  • Don't

    I don't want your arm there,
    your skin touching mine,
    your heartbeat so close to my own,
    pounding the same.
    I don't want you near me,
    so close I can smell your perfume,
    feel your body heat.
    I know we used to be friends,

  • Can't

    I can't say hi,
    because I can't stand
    your look,
    like you don't know me at all,
    when we used to be friends.
    Even though I want to,
    I simply can't say hi. 
  • Challenge

    i have a hard time writing
    the blank page is a challenge
    i must defeat

    the black ink
    only appears
    when my mind sparks
    with an idea
     you will like it

    read these words

  • I am lonely

    Sometimes I whisper to myself,
    when I am alone,
    "I am lonely"
    because somedays.
    I cling to people,
    like I will drown without them,
    because who knows,
    maybe I would.
  • This fear

    Yesterday I got an email,
    an email from my school district,
    the email made me collapse inside,
    girls being followed home.
    One followed by a man in a van,
    near my old elementary school.
    One girl followed,