


13 years old


  • Goodbyes

    Sweet, yet sour still

    Their place never filled

    The thought can make one sick

    And make one sad still yet


    How miserable it is

  • Almond Blossom

    The almond tree blooms in the spring,

    A promise of new life.

    The air is filled with the scent of nature,

    And the sound of birdsong.

    A cat naps in the sun,

  • A dream

    A Dream, one of Justice, one of Dark and Light

    A Dream, Cut Short by others Fear

    A Dream, Never Seen by the Creator in Life

    A Dream, Hopefully Longing for Change

  • Mistakes

    They say, "Mistakes are the Portal to Discovery"

    They say, "To Err is Divine"

    I say Mistakes are Inevitable-

    It's getting Broken up about them that's optional

  • Loss

    Staying for a While 

    Gone- so very Fast

    The Love of the Past

    Turns to a shattered heart


    The Leaving and the Left

    Blurred into One

    Those thought to be forever-up and gone