


16 years old


  • A Hail Storm of Words

    I love you,

    I always will.

    It kills me, though.

    Your words were harsher than the snow.

    Icier than a hail storm,

    hitting me hard in the heart.

    I regret nothing,

    but now I find reminders of you,

  • A Final Goodbye

    Leave me like the setting sun,

    your love’s shown in the sky,

    our final goodbye.

    Whispers of your name-

    follow me around like a game.

    Reminders of you are everywhere.

    I know one day they’ll go away,

  • A Release of Time

    In the quiet moments of my past,

    I think of what will last.

    The future is a known mystery,

    one I wish I knew like history.

    What scares me isn’t the setting sun,

    it’s the way that time runs.

  • Change

    My life is changing 

    like the four seasons, 

    though without any reason — 

    I find myself scared of it. 

    Change, it’s a horrifying but beautiful thing. 
