


19 years old


  • What is power?

    If you caged a butterfly
    just to watch
    it spark 
    round the glass
    wings like wind on silk curtains
    falling from the jar
    when you rose to tap
    not wanting it to be dead
    not wanting it to be still
    so you could

  • I

    I am you
    before I turned into me
    we are us
    before the breeze scatters us
    and we run from our
    to find our 
    sort of adventure
    turning us 
    into I am
    not you
  • Greed

    Once there was a little boy,
    a king's son but no less of a brat,
    squawking for every treat and every toy –
    a carriage, a pudding, a cat!
    The king and the queen thought their son was swell
    and his greed was simply ambitious,
  • Rain

    It is best you wake up to it
    little dancers on the roof
    the spotlight hazy
    windowpane highways
    in the way of the rain
    no sun
    no heat
    and puddles fill the shadows
    torrents pound on the rooftop