


19 years old


  • Dealing With Ants

    I could not quite tell
    where they came from
    Their little black 
    starting fires between 
    faces glittering
    with honey
    like blades of grass
    like newborn pups
    I told them to leave
  • A Veggie Poem

    There once was a middle-aged fool who thought himself swell
    But he had not the slightest bit of brains as far as his mother could tell
    Since he had never been smart a day in his life
    He had no job and no friends and no wife
  • Seashells

    She wipes her hands
    on a frilly skirt
    fingers stained 
    with blue berry ink
    basket swaying
    on the ground
    with fingers laced on its
    round belly
    she smiles

    He shows the horses
    to their awaiting troughs
  • Seeds

    They were fussy green sprouts

    If the water drowned their roots

    Their fingers would turn yellow

    And their soil black

    Gurgling in their plastic cells

    If I took off their roof

    Their lanky legs
  • Welcome Spring

    It comes quickly
    capes billowing 
    riding April's horses
    across the lake
    an old picture in my phone
    that works a smile onto my face
    blushing my cheeks
    with nostalgic memories
    it whispers in the forecaster's ear