


19 years old


  • Clouds

    Today the clouds
    are covering the sky
    they block out the sun
    casting shadows
    and turning the sky
    an unappealing 
    shade of gray

    The birdsong stopped
    they are hiding from the storm
    because the rain is 
  • Overheating

    too many layers
    with the heater running
    and the sunshine sunning

    Laying on my floor
    with a beam of light
    directly on my back
    warming me

    I bask in the warmth
    until it starts to be too much
  • Stealing Food

    on silent toes
    making sure that
    no one hears 
    my footsteps as
    I walk through
    the kitchen

    opening the box
    and grabbing
    whatever is inside
    and holding it
    carefully concealed
  • Lightheaded

    Laying on my bed
    reading a book
    I stand up

    My feet
    hit the floor
    and suddenly
    something drops
    from my head
    to my feet

    My head is
    full of air
    and gravity
    doesn't exist

    My arms

  • Waiting

    The initial panic has ended
    things have started to settle down
    we're all still stuck at home
    but we're flattening the curve
    or so they say

    We wrote canceled on the calendar
    and then we tore it from the wall
  • Smothered

    The mess on my floor
    grows more and more
    each day
    and I do not attempt 
    to correct it

    My mom asks me
    multiple times
    before turning her request
    into an order

    I try 
    but something stops me