Every day I face my reflection
and I feel a kind of revulsion
I pick out the imperfections
and make them all that I see
until what I see in the mirror
is a whole different picture
I need you to understand -
The Singer
A lone singer
on an empty stage
facing an audience
near-frozen in fear
She visibly shakes
and her heartbeat
sends shudders
through her chest
One shaky inhale
and the chatter ends
awaiting the song -
Sometimes I feel like I'm invisible
and nobody sees me at all
like when the teacher tells us to pair up
and I am left all alone
I look at my friends
but they don't even see me
and the teacher never notices -
You told me lies
because you knew
I would believe you
You took advantage
of my trusting mind
You made me look
like a complete fool
Your friends all laughed
and I was confused
Why would you do this?
What did I do? -
Weird Thoughts.
Do you ever wish you could stop breathing
and not have to feel your heart beating?
Just to sit in a soundless void
and feel nothing but the stillness all around.
Do you wish that you could live without eating