


15 years old


  • Flames Everlasting

    Moonlight wisely peered at our circle
    Glancing through the shadowed trees.
    Tangles of bristles
    Wove their way into this
    Mangled clump of gray
    Whom we offered the gift of our greatest breath.
  • Girl on a Stone

    It was one of those days
    Bright sunshine illuminating
    Misty, banana-yellow, dandelion-hued, sunflower-rayed beams
    That danced
    A delicate, floating dance
    To a fragile, fluttering rhythm
  • Yellow

    Like the jumpy bumblebee
    That tap dances on your forearm
    Fuzzy clumps of fat stripes
    Flitting away in surprise at the honk
    The grueling, cluttered, abrupt honk
    Of the school bus, slowing as it
    Flashes its shining layers of paint
  • Bump in the Road

    When the power goes out and wifi's gone
    When your nose runs in the chilly air
    When online deliveries arrive late
    When you can't fast-forward live TV
    When electrical sockets are too far away