


15 years old


  • OK

    Symphony of colors
    Melody of hills
    Harmony of growth
    Ballad of truth
    Rhythm of quakes
    Tunes of emotions
    Beats of light
    Chorales of love

    Keys weave stitches with
    A gentle touch whispering
    To the pain not that
  • Abstruse

    When time takes a vacation
    Sitting alone with thoughts
    Frowning at the present
    For it's all too abstruse
    Wish you weren't alone
    Suffering through privelege
    Don't want to be solipsistic
    But that's just another thing
  • 11:04am in Burlington

    Four flags ripple in the soft
    Morning, soon-to-be-afternoon air
    Four countries I know should know
    But no one ever taught me
    Navy Subarus and silver Hondas
    Speed down a multi-laned highway
    That I'm too young to understand
  • Let It Go

    The thawed suffering of verdant sprouts
    Potentials crushed by our footsteps
    Renunciation of Earth, who crumbles

    Presents whose only destiny is clutter piling high
    On our supposedly special days and stirring