


15 years old


  • Lost Hope

    Hope took me most of the way
    And the rest was up to reality

    I guess I though that hope
    Was a substitute for reality

    But hope is actually
    The confidence in reality's potential

    Which I didn't have
  • Seeds of Hope

    The time of sitting crumpled at a desk had finally come to a close as she skipped from the school's wide doorway into the luscious daylight. The sun sprinkled down on the pressure and stress, vanishing it with its glow.
  • Summer

    Bubbling water rushing over bare feet
    In billowing gulps of rapids and pools
    Tickling toes with ripples of magic
    Finally escaping school

    Afternoon jogs down a little dirt road
    Slowing just to pick those pretty flowers
  • Illusion

    Leaves quake and rattle as
    A soft breeze swooshes across and
    Stirs their sturdy veins while
    Songbirds twitter from above because
    They are fortunate enough to
    Have fledged successfully and
    Rose petals flutter to the the grass for
  • Flicker

    When every smidgen of daylight is suctioned away
    Flashing in and out for minutes before a harsh zap
    Headlamps and flashlights are scrounged out
    From the depths of dark bins shoved away beneath