


15 years old


  • Each flitting fractal

    Each flitting fractal of darkened gray
    Almost but not quite black
    Flashes in a hollowed brightness
    At just the right angle

    Blurry blotches of fatigued white
    Sprout from a dotted canvas
    Of everyday softened gray
  • The Good Kind of Unknown

    Believing in magic is the most wonderful thing
    Like there could truly be a possibility to be swept away
    And ride on the backs of dragons like in the fables

    Then again, fables are just fables
  • Happy Birthday

    Through the first ten years of so
    When birthdays mingled just around the corner
    Streamers and balloons cluttered the colored room
    Giggles and smiles beaming as bright as the sunshine
    Filling the space with joy
  • Facets of the Cosmos

    I remember
    When the constellations twinkled
    Hidden lines drawn between the brightest and the lightest
    Like a tunnel, whispering unspoken truths
    Joy hidden between flickering candles of the night

    Each yearning and suffering
  • Wasted Memories

    And I waste just another minute

    Delving through stacks and layers of memories
    Wondering if they were ever real
    Or are a mere teaser of time
    When true opportunities of love and joy
    Twisted into treetops and tears peek out
  • And We Wait

    Press your palms against your eyes hard enough
    The bright blue beams obscuring your vision
    Little lilies and lavenders will blossom from the depths of darkness

    Happiness is woven between paisleys and daisies