


15 years old


  • White Lie

    When I was younger, my cheeks were chubby
    and my hair was strewn into thick brown snarls.
    When I was younger, my freckles were imbalanced
    and thrown on haphazardly over a sheen of pale skin.
  • Spring

    Spring is just another array of pain.
    So don't tell me that
    The flowers and birds and bees scatter any hope across the land.
    Because the truth is,
    Spring is just handcrafted from the same silky sorrow as before,
  • Anger

    I thought anger would feel like a wildfire
    Red hot and scorching
    Tearing through this slender frame
    Flames licking the crisp air.
    I thought the cry would be sharp and short
    Piercing and defined
    Smooth and steady. Like poison,
  • spring

    A pink dew drop in bloom
    petals curling towards the open sun
    away the heavy clouds zoom
    wrenching hearts from winter gloom

    Creak open the door and run
    toeing into the squishy brown ground
    gallop through the mud, free and fun